“Just a Dentist”? No, You Are SO Much More!

Who Are You?

Does your Dental Practice suffer from this one critical weakness? The lack of awareness that you, as a small business owner, are far more than “just a dentist”?

Think of the tremendous positive impact that your dental practice has on the lives of your family, your dental team and their loved ones, to the health and happiness of your patients, and to your community.

To all of these people you are viewed as the CEO of a business that is helping their community prosper and grow. And so, going forward, that is how you (and every other small business owner) should view yourselves - as a CEO who is a vital contributor to the lives of so many others.

Reframe Your Thinking

When I speak to your dental colleagues around the country, I challenge them to reframe their thinking. From this day forward, your title is that of CEO - update those business cards!

Reframing your role and title helps you to think about running your dental practice like a true business. It can help make you more open to utilizing benchmarks and setting goals, incorporating best practices and new technologies, and partnering with dental industry specialists to provide skills that you may not have (e.g. financial, legal, marketing).

It will also make you more open to learning to become a great leader. How many of you have taken a leadership course and focused on how you can become a dynamic leader? Don’t you owe it to your dental team to make your work environment one in which your team grows and thrives?

These are the approaches that are taken by outstanding business leaders. Why should your dental practice be run any differently?

Becoming the CEO

My challenge to you? That from this moment forward you commit to thinking like, and becoming, a true leader - a dynamic CEO. Your practice, your team, and your family will thank you.

But most importantly you will inspire yourself and, in doing so, find true joy in the impact you are making in the world.


Think Like a CEO and Unlock the True Power of Your Practice


Your Dental Practice - What's Your Mission?