R-E-S-P-E-C-T in the Workplace

Have you ever been yelled at or demeaned by a leader? Or worse yet, engaged in that type of behavior towards those you were leading?

If so, stop and think about the inherently unethical design of how our workplaces are (by necessity) structured. In our workplaces we all give up some level of freedom and control that we wouldn’t dream of ceding in our personal lives.

Outside of work, your boss would just be another person standing next to you in line for ☕️. Equals. But in the workplace, one person is put in an organizational position that gives them some level of power and control over others.

Why do we agree to this arrangement? Two reasons. As individuals, absent being a trust fund baby, we need to engage in work that creates wealth/value so we can support ourselves (and maybe others). We gotta pay the bills 💰

And second, organizations wouldn’t be as effective at creating wealth without some level of strategic leadership and direction that guides the behavior of their team members. Decisions have to be made and efforts focused in certain directions 📈

Consciously or not we have all, by default, agreed to this arrangement in the workplace. This ceding of some level of power and control to others so that we get paid while (hopefully) further the organization’s mission.

So, back to R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Since having power and control over an aspect of someone else’s life in the workplace is an artificial construct, and would be considered unnatural and unethical outside of work, that power must be exercised with only the greatest of care and compassion.

Direct and honest feedback can/must be given in a manner that is respectful and minimizes the inequity of the workplace power structure imbalance. To lead with intimidation, anger, or by demeaning others only serves to exacerbate that unnatural power structure that we have all entered into. While reducing the humanity and dignity of all involved.

So if you ever feel yourself about to yell, swear, lash out, or intimidate someone you work with.  Stop.  Take a moment to appreciate that we are truly all equals. And then treat that person with the same level of respect and courtesy that you would (hopefully) exhibit with the person standing next to you in line for ☕️

You both deserve nothing less 🤝


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