Does Your Team Find Meaning in Their Work? The Two Questions Every Leader Should Ask

What do we hope to gain from our work? It turns out a lot more than just making a certain amount of money.

A recent article in the Harvard Business Review found that 9 out of 10 people are willing to earn less money to perform more meaningful work.

What motivates each of us and makes our work a creative, joyful experience? What legacy will our work leave for our team, our community, and the world?  If we are fortunate, we have been able to identify what we enjoy doing, and have found a role that allows us to emphasize those aspects.  For me it involves meeting people, developing relationships, connecting others, and collaborating for everyone’s mutual benefit.

What would help give your team greater meaning in their work? There's an easy way to find out. Ask them.

The Two “Must Ask” Questions

Ask your team members these two questions; “Do you find the work you are doing meaningful?” and “What can you and I do to increase the meaningfulness of your work?”

Try that the next time you have a conversation with a team member. Asking the questions, then together exploring the answers and the potential changes that could increase the meaning they derive from their work, could be the greatest gift you ever give your teammates.

And among the most important discussions you’ll ever have as a leader.


R-E-S-P-E-C-T in the Workplace